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Surviving to Thriving

Support Groups
Image by Wesley Eland

Pensacola Group Meetings:
2001 W. Blount St.
Pensacola, FL 

Milton Group Meetings:
6480 Caroline St. Suite B
Milton, FL 

Navarre Group Meetings:
7552 Navarre Pkwy. #24
Navarre, FL

" My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

- Maya Angelou


FavorHouse offers in-person support groups open to women survivors of domestic (intimate partner) abuse weekly at our offices in Pensacola, Milton, and Navarre. This group offers a safe space to discuss the impact of domestic violence on your life, connect with others, and work towards healing.


Register below and get ready to thrive!


Which location?

Thank you for registering!

24/7 Hotline: 850-434-6600 

Escambia County Outreach Center: 850-434-1177

Santa Rosa County Outreach Center: 850-626-5600

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2022 FavorHouse of NWFL, Inc..

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