Domestic Violence
Know the Signs
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Signs of Domestic Violence
FavorHouse is not only dedicated to serving survivors of domestic violence but also educating the community and spreading awareness of the signs of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence
Power & Control Wheel
When people think of domestic violence, many often only think of physical violence. Domestic violence is far more complex and includes a wide array of forms of manipulation, control, and intimidation.
Take a look at the wheel pictured below, if you are experiencing any of this in your relationship and would like to speak with someone, give our 24/7 hotline a call at (850) 434-6600.
Teen Power & Control Wheel
While teen dating violence certainly is a form of domestic violence, the dynamic of power and control is often different as abusers don't have the same ability to control their partners using the tactics in the domestic violence power and control wheel (pictured above). Teen abusers have to resort to other tactics to control, manipulate, and intimidate their partners.
Our primary prevention specialist specializes in educating teens on teen dating violence by going into schools or meeting with youth organizations.
For more information please call (850) 434-1177.