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Donate and Volunteer: Get Involved

We make a living by what we get, but we make

a life by what we give.

           - Winston Churchill

Hardware Store

Immediate Needs

The Immediate Needs List contains items needed by individual survivors and the emergency shelter. Click the button below to view the list and sign-up to be the donor of someone's special needs.


By giving your time and talent as a volunteer, you make a direct positive impact on our community. Learn more about volunteer opportunities and sign-up to receive volunteer communications by clicking the button below.

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Our Amazon Wish List contains all of our on-going needs. All wishlist donations can be dropped off or shipped to our outreach office at
2001 W. Blount St. Pensacola, FL 32501

Donate and Volunteer: Get Involved

More Ways to Get Involved:

- Host a fundraiser benefitting FavorHouse.

- Drop-off food and treats for people staying in the emergency shelter.

- Host an Amazon, WalMart & Target giftcard drive presented to survivors as housewarming gifts.

- Follow, Like & Share FavorHouse on FaceBook and Instagram.

- Attend and encourage friends and family to support FavorHouse events.


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